The allure of the great outdoors is something that many people enjoy. You can assure a great trip if you use the tips shared here. If you are willing to put the time and effort into it before you leave on your trip, you will surely benefit a great deal from it later on.
Make sure your sleeping bag is right for the weather. If you’re camping in the heat of summer, a sub-zero bag just isn’t comfortable or appropriate. On the flip side, bring a sleeping bag meant for summer camping will make you very cold during your winter camping trip. In the worst case, you could be putting yourself at risk of getting frostbite or even worse.
Be sure that your tent will comfortably fit everyone that you will be sharing it with to have a good trip. This will ensure comfort while inside the tent.
Before you set out on your camping trip take the time to check the weather forecast for the area that you will be visiting. There are lots of excellent websites that you can use for a weather forecast and they can give you an idea of what to expect. When you know what the weather is going to be like ahead of time, you can pack the appropriate clothing and equipment.
Camping and swimming are a great combination. When you’re out camping, it’s really easy to miss your shower at home. You’ll feel much cleaner by swimming in cool water. Therefore, you aren’t going to miss your home shower as much.
Purchase some special camping pillows. Regular bed pillows will feel hot and sticky during humid weather. Mildew can grow in it when they absorb the moisture from the air. Camping pillows do not have these problems.
Kids generally love camping, but plan some activities for them ahead of time. Kids can easily get bored if you are in the woods for a long time. They may never have had a chance to set up a tent or catch a fish. If this is their first time, it is a wonderful opportunity for them to learn new skills.
Inform your children of possible dangers before taking them camping. Ensure you children know what poison ivy and poison oak looks like, what to do if they get lost or stumble upon wildlife.
Bring adequate amounts of food. It depends on how long you’ll be out, but you must have food that won’t spoil on your trip. Just a little food poisoning can turn a camping trip upside down. Use proper food preparation techniques and make sure you are well-read regarding the precautions you should take.
When it comes to camping, always be prepared for whatever comes your way. No matter how careful you are, things can happen that are not a part of your original plan. Someone could get hurt, the weather could change drastically or people could get sick. To stay safe, plan ahead, do not take any risks and do not be careless.
Prepare your clothing in advance of your camping trip. You don’t want to be stuck wearing dirty clothes daily. Pack ample clothing items appropriate to the climate you will be visiting. Even if you don’t plan to do any hiking, you should wear study shoes or boots meant for hiking, in case your vehicle breaks down or you get lost.

Select your campsite carefully. You don’t want to overlook something like a snake hole, take a little precaution. If you’re close to a lot of plants and things, long sleeved shirts and long pants should be worn to protect you from bugs. Insect repellent is a life saver.
Trail mix and beef jerky are a couple great things to bring along on a camping trip. Nutrient filled snacks can replace the need to cook if you don’t have the means or the energy. These kinds of foods do not spoil quickly, so you can always save them for a later time.
Smart campers will leave their car or base camp with a charged mobile phone. Better yet, bring along an extra battery or two in case your phone runs out of juice. Your cell phone is the best piece of emergency equipment you have so make sure it doesn’t die on you.
Camping is one of life’s true joys for those who have a thorough understanding of how to do it well. While camping isn’t hard, it’s important to have basic knowledge about it so that the trip can go smoothly. You’ll be ready for your first camping trip soon if you follow the tips you read above.
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Please tell me that the photo above is not from Vancouver Island!
Hi Vaughn, thanks for your comment and you are not alone in your view about gas powered boats being allowed on Schoen Lake. In fact, it was requested by a few organizations when the call for input was put out back when the management plan was created.
The only saving grace these days (if there is one) is that most gas powered outboards are 4 stroke so the pollution is minimized a lot compared to 2 stroke engines.