Vancouver Island Camping Banner Advertising Details
Below are our advertising rates for various positions throughout our website. Once you sign up for your campaign we will create your account using the information you provide.
We offer single page or post ads and multiple page or post ads. Each page or post option offers a choice of top, middle or bottom positions. Top provides the most bang for your buck followed by middle and bottom.
We also offer site wide options for all our pages and posts. Site wide options come with a discount ( depends on position(s) ) right off the top!
You can increase your return by advertising on our most popular pages or posts. The rate is higher but well worth the cost. Sitewide positions are not available for the most popular pages or posts.
Our exclusivity option provides the advertiser with the choice to advertise on one or more of our most popular pages or posts exclusively. You can choose one, two or all three positions (top, middle and bottom).
The price for the exclusivity option also depends on the position(s) with all three options adding a percentage to the regular price.

All prices are based on 1000 page impressions per month which is on par with most popular advertising agencies like Facebook etc.
The mobile spot is always placed at the bottom of the page.
Each price option is for one month with a minimum 3 month campaign. Longer campaigns are available upon request with a substantial discount applied. Let us know in the form below.
Don’t Have Time to Build Your Banner
The banner sizes we accept on our site are: 728×90; 468×60; 300×250 and 320×50.
The larger banner width sizes are best suited for the top and bottom of the page or post.
The 300×250 banner size is used for the middle position of the page or post.
The 320×50 (mobile banner size) is for the bottom of a page or post.
If you want us to build your banner it will cost a flat rate of $40.00 and we will provide you with gif, jpg, png, and webp files for you to keep.
To have access to the psd file (we use Photoshop) it will cost another $20.00 for this service.
We can build your landing page for you if you wish. Please let us know in the form and we’ll reply with a quote based on the type of landing page you require.
Traffic to Vancouver Island Camping Pages
Our reasonable prices reflect the lower traffic to our website currently but this is growing every month. So prices may be raised in the future once web traffic grows substantially. Take advantage now of the low rates before they rise!
Google Analytic Stats
AW Stats

To get started on advertising your products or services on our website please fill out the following form and we’ll respond within 24-48 hours.